**UPDATED** Skin Care Routine

Since my last post on my skin care routine, everything has changes dramatically. I've been trying and testing out a lot more products and I have narrow them down, things I totally rave about and these might change up in a few weeks time.

My current skin is Super Dry Flaky and hormonal.

This is a real transitional process for me, I went through facial wash to milk cleansers and almost everything has changed.

First off I changed my Khiels Facial Foam to the Eucerin Milk Cleanser, cause my skin was really drying up and flaking badly. Now the Eucerin wan really do help alot, but I felt that my face wasn't clean but it was. ( Foams to Milk problems)

I'm Still sticking to my Khiels toner thou, cause it worked for me but I am changing it to my Artistry one after I'm done with this and it's not long now. ( Satisfaction of finishing up a gigantic bottle of skincare)

I have been using two moisturizers which are my Artistry Hydrating Lotion & First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream. Yes my condition is that serious, cause it kinda sting sometimes. And Artistry decided to discontinue the hydrating lotion so I need to use the New Hydra-V Series, which I have brought but yet to use.

As for eye cream, I have been loving my Artistry Hydra-V Gel Cream. Moisturizing and  Refreshing.

Because my face gets flaky the dead skin sort of stuck to my face making my skin looking like a peeling prune, so I use my St Ives Apricot Scrub. Yes this might irritate my face even more, I use a very light hand and a small amount of product, so I'm not scraping my skin off.

After scrubs I would use a moisture Mask, I use the Artistry Moisture Mask and this stuff provide me with the moisture I need on my face and my lips yes it can moisturize the lips too.

SO this is my current skin care routine, if you guys have any other product recommendations please leave them down below! I love you guys!!



  1. Meh. I should be changing my skincare to milk base (my products are too dry and acidic) but I do love my current products =(

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