NARS Dual Intensity Blusher

A Million Thanks to Nars Malaysia for giving me a chance to provide my dear readers with this review, and I have to say I truly love this brand way before hand.

So, these are my genuine views and opinion. I'm sponsored but not paid to speak what the brand wants me to say..

Hokey Dokes, lets get started. I have the color Adoration & Frenzy.

A lil fact here, this blush can be use dry for a healthy glow or wet for a second skin (Meaning you'll look ultra natural)  I personally have been using Adoration almost everyday since I got it and I receive many compliments on my blush, I was lil skeptic about putting on too much but don't worry. Lil by Lil, slowly build up the product.

From Left to Right : Adoration & Frenzy

From Left to Right : Adoration & Frenzy
I use Frenzy for that sun kissed glow, I sometimes use it as a bronzer too shhh that's between you and me! The perfect VS Angel contour in my opinion, cuz I realize VS Angel's bronzer are a lil more glowing than matte. In my opinion it looks super natural on the skin, on mine anyways. I just adore it!

Hokay, enough rambling Eileen. Here's the Final Judgement after multiple uses.
Ok here are the swatches too! I only have the dry swatches now, cause I left my hard drive back home. So I'll post the wet swatches on my instagram or @eileenwrighton.


  • So easy to blend
  • Long Lasting 
  • Pigmented
  • Looks natural
  • The Shimmer Glitter are really fine (have pearl extract) Fancy!
  • Every time it hits the light you skin just look amazing!
  • Multi Purpose (I'll show you)
Natural Sunlight
  • If you're a clumsy like me, be careful, do not drop it like this is a soft powder!
  • You gotta use a stiffer blush, a super soft synthetic will be quite hard to pick up product. 
Let's get into how I use it, first I use it dry. 
  • Basic Blusher method, I don't think I need to show you this step. Use one color or layer 2 together.
  • Using my finger and use the lightest shade and dap it in my lipgloss, instant pout! Woots because it is formulated to be use wet, so putting on your gloss is amazing! Try it!
  • You can use this as an eye shadow too! =) Wet or Dry.
Now How I use it wet.
  • I Spray a lil makeup setting spray on my brush and pick up the product and apply it to my face, it'll work the same if you use straight on your face while your foundation/BB creams are drying or before you put on setting powder. But blend it with quick and light stroks.
  • Same method for eyes too. Spray the brush (damp) not dripping wet! and pick up the product and apply. 
Adoration my camera can't really pick up colors, I mess up the settings please bear with me.
The swatches turn out fine, but not on my face! =(
This is Frenzy, even harder to pick up cuz it's quite similar to my skin tone.
Will try and get a better lens soon!
Ratails for RM190 Each

Thank you Guys for reading! I love you all & I really hope you enjoy this review! Will have a tutorial very soon! Just keep updated with my Instagram & Facebook! I used it in my Bombshell MakeUp Tutorial as well.
 Any Affiliation or Sponsorship, Please feel free to email me.
Signing offfff... 


  1. Not bad leh. Nice review ;)


  2. The shades are so pretty! And highlighter with blush kinda save the money to get two products :D

    1. I know right! I truly love them to bits! Amazing blushers so well made. True and can use as eyeshadow too..

  3. rm190? wow i really wonder how girls can survive with all the expensive make up! >.<

    Your Finance Doctor

    1. YES, RM190. Using rate of depreciation per use or how long can it last, to women it's the finish and the ingredients that is important.As you dont want anything bad on your face right?


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