1028 Visual Therapy

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Hello Everybody!! I'm honored to present to you a new Taiwanese Makeup Brand called 1028 Visual Therapy, the company has send me a PR pack and I would like to show you guys how I used it and my thoughts.
** You beautiful people need to keep in mind that not all products work for everyone and what works and does not for me may differ from you and the others**

Let me just share a lil detail about this cosmetic company;
The number '1028' is the inspiring date for the brand and it also focuses on the skins and contours of us Asian Girls. It is also stated that are SkinCare Properties in the makeup ( That's always a plus)

The first product is the Mesh Compact Cushion Foundation, this foundation has a light weight coverage which blurs out imperfections that does not make you look cakey. It didn't do much coverage for me as I have a lot to cover and I am a more full coverage type of girl but I would still use this for a no makeup makeup day with a lil concealing.

This product also have a nice scent that will linger on your face a lil before it fades.

 Next is the face powder, this is a very dense powder I would say and my tip is don't bake with this or use a heavy hand. It will turn you into cake face in just seconds. Using a fluffy brush is much recommended by me, this product also have a scent that will fades once applied to the face.

 This must be the star of the show!!! The brownie palette, this cool tone neutral shades packs are really blendable, no joke that it blends like a dream!!! The pigmentation is great as well, but most of the shades except for the beige color are more satin/pearl finishes, not shimmery it just have a nice shine to it.

 On the other hand this will work awesome for everyday wear and transition to a night event.
 Eyeliner!! The hottest topic for me, personal preference aside this is a great eyeliner. The black pigments are dark enough and the brush tip makes it easier to apply. It lasts really well through my sweaty days too.

 Can I say that I finally found a mascara that doesn't clump on me?? TBH it really doesn't clump on me, it is also easily remove by warm water, that said the only downside is that it is not tears proof, My eyes were irritating me one day and I had this mascara on and it literally melt on me. So teary girls and waterproof mascara seekers beware.
This is by far my favorite brow product, creamy and pigmented. I am literally in love and obviously will def go out and by it once I am done with this and it will be soon!!!!!!!!

You can find all the product in Watson's Stores


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